Unfortunately for many families living in rural areas, it can be difficult to access speech pathology services. We are happy to offer telehealth services to families living in the Illawarra region as well as those in other areas.
Telehealth has been shown to be just as effective as face-to-face services across many different speech pathology areas of practice. In fact, many families prefer to access services this way.
Lidcombe program (stuttering therapy), Early Language Stimulation, preschool and school-aged speech and language, and school-aged literacy support are all areas of practice that have been very successful when delivered through telehealth.
Families may choose to access telehealth services in preference to clinic-based services for a variety of reasons. These may include:
- Supporting the child in their regular environment and using toys/activities already owned by the family.
- Improved access to sessions and reduced travel time. Telehealth services can be accessed from home which often allows children to leave/return to school/preschool more easily prior to or following their therapy session.
- Child preference: some children actually PREFER telehealth and attend better to telehealth games and activities!
- Accessing therapy supports when the child or a family member has cold or flu symptoms, so is unable to attend the clinic.
- Accessing therapy services from a rural area (services are able to be delivered to families regardless of physical location).
Contact us if you would like more information about our telehealth services.