We offer assessment and therapy services for clients with the following areas of need:
- Speech or Language Delays (Under 3 years – late talkers, non-talkers)
- Speech Sound Disorders (words are difficult to understand, errors in sounds in words e.g. ‘fish’ pronounced as ‘bit’)
- Expressive Language (speaking and writing: using full sentences, appropriate vocabulary or grammar to communicate with others)
- Receptive Language (listening and comprehension: understanding spoken language, following instructions, reading comprehension)
- Stuttering (fluency)
- Literacy Skills (early reading and spelling reading development, phonological awareness skills, reading fluency and comprehension, written expression). Assessments are available for primary and high school students.
Initial Appointment (60 minutes + assessment report):
All new clients to our practice are booked in for an initial assessment (60 minute appointment). This allows us to collect a detailed case history and conduct relevant assessments to determine the areas of strength and need for each child. The completion of recent assessments allows us to accurately plan a therapy program in line with each child’s individual circumstances.
At the completion of this assessment, the results will be analysed and a comprehensive report provided to the family within 2 weeks of completion of the assessments. If your child has received a recent assessement report, or is transitioning from another therapist, please let us know at the the time of your call and we can determine whether a full assessment and report is required.
School-Aged Literacy and Language Assessments
If your child requires a comprehensive language assessment and/or literacy assessment, this may require an additional appointment due to the length and detail of testing needed to gain a full understanding of the cause of these difficulties.
This will be discussed openly with you at the time of your call. Additional assessment appointments are billed at our regular appointment rate.